If the police killed your loved one, you can bring a wrongful death lawsuit to get justice. With a wrongful death lawsuit, you can receive compensation for your pain and suffering. Also, by exposing the police brutality, you...
Author: Cody Warner
Sat 23 Dec, 2023
Police Misconduct
Can the Police Knock You off a Bike?
If the police knocked you off a bike, your rights may have been violated. Ultimately, whether your rights were violated comes down to the specific facts of your case and the reasonableness of the officer’s conduct. An...
Mon 18 Dec, 2023
Criminal Defense
Can the Police Search Your Car Without a Warrant?
If the police searched your car, they probably didn’t have warrant. Naturally, the question becomes whether the police violated your rights by searching your car without a warrant. Unfortunately, the answer—like the...
Mon 11 Dec, 2023
Police Misconduct
Can I Sue the Police for Pointing a Gun at Me?
If the police wrongfully pointed a gun at you, then you might want to get justice and sue them. After all, having a gun pointed at you is one of the scariest experiences imaginable. Victims of wrongfully drawn guns...
Sat 02 Dec, 2023
Criminal Defense
How to Beat a PL 120.00 Assault Charge
If you are charged with a Penal Law (“PL”) 120.00 assault charge, an experienced NYC criminal lawyer may be able to help you beat your case. PL 120.00 is a misdemeanor offense, which is a low-level crime. If you are...